
Force Training Institute Multi-Threat Shield review: Yes, we shot it - longneckerfroor1994

You've likely seen ads and news stories almost "incontestible" laptop bags—bags capable of carrying your laptop and also protecting you from flying lead when the fan hits the pour forth.

You've as wel likely wondered whether it was sportsmanlike merchandising fluff. I decided to breakthrough out the only room you can: By shot one.

mts multi threat shield closed Force Preparation Institute

The MTS looks like a laptop computer bag but unfurls into a trey-foot ballistic shield.

My example bag would be Military group Education Institute's Multi-Menace Screen. Unlike nearly "bullet-proof" bags that aren't much larger than a cup of tea, the MTS is designed to unfold quickly into a three-foot long-life buckler. Loops in two different areas let you keep apart it the likes of a shield. Information technology's long sufficient to protect your torso and your head, if you hunch a soft.

IT's made of laminated Kevlar and is NIJ Threat Level IIIA rated. That's the NIJ's rating on body armour for police. For soft body armour, Level IIIA is the highest rating and will stop steep-velocity 9mm bullets as well as .44 Magnum rounds. That essentially means the MTS is supposed to intercept almost handgun rounds, Eastern Samoa well as those from sub-machine guns and shotgun blasts. FTI says with an additional instrumentation home plate insert, the bag will also contain rifle rounds, which will cut through all soft body armor.

(Retributive so you know, the term "incontestable" is technically incorrect, because nothing is really bulletproof. Some substances, like laminated Kevlar, are bullet-resistant. Masses still can't assistant only call them "bulletproof," though.)

mts multi threat shield open Force Training Institute

The Multi-Threat Shield opens into a trinity-foot shield open of stoppping shooting iron, shotgun and sub-machine gun bullets.

How we tested

To test the Multi-Threat Shield, we visited the Stonewall Jackson Arms shooting range in Dixie San Francisco. We placed a cake rack at a distance of Ashcan School yards from the firing lane, sandbagged its base for stability, and hung the MTS on it.

The MTS is technically a bag for your appurtenance, so I tossed in something no one would misfire: a first-gen iPad. When Applied science Island was evacuated, the iPad didn't make information technology to the cleaver. Information technology can't run anything any longer, and it's built like a tank—and weighs close to as much. The iPad, mind you, was put into the bag's pocket on the other English where the bullets would remov, so it would be protected by the Kevlar.

I started with the very common .38 Special—a Smith &adenylic acid; Wesson pattern 442 snub-poke revolver. I laid-off two 125-cereal, full-metal-jacket crown rounds at the uppermost left corner of the bag.

In TV shows and movies, you've seen bullets send a person moving across the room, but that doesn't very happen. If you dismissed a slug with sufficiency energy to knock a mortal back 10 feet, it would send you 10 feet back when you pulled the trigger.

The two .38 Primary rounds mildly pushed the MTS to one side before it went back into place. Meh.

The second test beat would be the real popular 9mm Parabellum. It's essentially a .38-caliber-sized bullet, but quick along at a higher velocity and with much muzzle energy—about 338 foot.-lbs. therein case. The round out I used was a 115-grain, full-metal-jacket slug fired from a 4-column inch-barrel Glock 19 pistol. I fired tierce rounds to the upper right quadrant of the bag to see whether multiple hits to the homophonic blemish would penetrate the bag. FTI says a stiff plastic enclose made of Kydex thermoplastic was old to keep the bag from rolling over when shot. If you're afraid an edge will bend in, information technology doesn't, thanks to the loaded stick in and fairly stiff Kevlar excessively.

The results from the higher-energy rounds? Equivalent the .38 Special, pretty meh, just somewhat more bm.

mts kevlar2 Gordon Mah Ung

FTI's Multi-Scourge Shell is made risen of 25 layers of laminated kevlar that spreads energy outer to stop the bullet.

Next, I moved heavenward to the mighty .44 Magnum. Yes, the most powerful movie handgun in the world. IT's soh potent that it'll blow your laptop clean off your desk. Do you finger lucky, punk?

For the .44 Magnum, I used a 240-grain, hollow-point bullet dismissed out of a Smith &A; Wesson Pattern 29 with an 8⅜-inch barrel—yes, Dirty Chevvy's revolver of choice. The bullet I used makes about 900 ft.-lbs. of energy at the muzzle, Beaver State almost three times the energy of the 9mm troll.

I worried the wooden coat rack might be damaged from the impact of the bullet, but firing the mighty .44 Magnum dead center into the middle of the bag and practically along top of the awkward bread and butter produced Eastern Samoa elflike observable movement as the 9mm round.

What? Where's the Hammer-of-Thor impact I expected? The movies lied to Pine Tree State.

My final examine round would use a 12-gauge shotgun. Like the .44 Magnum, there's a good deal of misconceptions about the shotgun. Shotguns fire multiple pellets, typically in different sizes. Most people think that when you rack the trigger, the pellets spread out immediately into a giant cloud and move forward. They really will remain in a lowly cluster. How large that taint gets is called the spreadhead, and it depends on a lot of different factors. Because I wanted to put as much muscularity into unrivaled tiny spot as possible, I secondhand Federal LE13300 buckshot in our Remington 870 shotgun. The shield was premeditated for patrol usance and features a primary design that holds the Eight pellets together in the air yearner. This minimizes the peril that pellets will spread out and assume innocent bystanders. At the eight yards' distance of the MTS, all eight .33-quality pellets would collide with in some a unrivaled-inch zone with more energy than even the .44 Magnum.

At length, the force of the scattergun blast delivered the anticipated result: The bird shot struck the bag about cardinal inches to the left wing of center, causing it to fly through and through the line and onto the floor of the shooting gallery

mts bullets Gordon Mah Ung

The Multi-Threat Shield stopped a .44 Magnum vacuous point (left), planate out a 9mm smoke (middle) and mushed the lean against of a .38 Special (powerful). Behind information technology sit some of the flattened-out moxie of the .44 Magnum round, intermixed with two-fold-ought long horse pellets.

Did it whirl?

After every that shootin', astonishingly, none of the rounds penetrated the MTS—not even the scattergun rounds fired into a one-inch spot.

The MTS discomfited other kinds of assault, too. FTI says the Kydex plastic put in it uses to stiffen the bag also gives it some knife thrust resistor. I took my pocket knife, locked the blade in place, and repeatedly stabbed the bag with as much force as I could conscription. My Benchmade Bombard tongue in my nerd arms, at least, doesn't have what information technology takes to get through.

Once the testing was done, I remote the Kevlar liner and cut IT open. The MTS is made of 25 three-foot-long sheets of Kevlar. There are zero seams at all where a bullet could sideslip through.

I bare-assed back the layers to tally how many sheets IT took to stop from each one inexact. The .38 Special was stopped by a single sheet of Kevlar. The 9mm barely penetrated two sheets. The .44 Magnum dug all the way through five sheets, as did the double-ought buck from the shotgun.

mts ipad3 Gordon Mah Ung

I wonder if the Genius Bar throne fix this problem?

Genius Bar, can you help?

I opened the pouch to check on the iPad. You can see in the image to a higher place that it didn't outlive, nor had I expected it to. When I'd inserted the iPad, I placed it in direction you would expect: with the screen out facing inward. Deploying the MTS turns the iPad so IT faces the impingement zone in the middle plane section of the shield. I suspect the .44 Magnum round likely cracked the screen. The force of the 12-gauge duck shot, however, not only destroyed the cover but bent back one box of the iPad aside several inches. Again, IT wasn't really hit by any bullets or pellets, but you lavatory see it's zero fun to be on the receiving finish of all that energy.

IT's clear the Multi Threat Shield lives high to FTI's claim. It testament survive multiple common side arm and scattergun impacts. You should jazz that the bag's Kevlar is laminated sort o than woven. One concern from some is that information technology can melt at rattling high-topped temperatures. If a gun were pressed up against it and rounds were fired repeatedly, the Kevlar could melt and one of these days allow penetration.

I didn't test this scenario, simply FTI says it's tested the MTS using "physical contact shots" with no melting and no insight. This is also probably Sir Thomas More of a concern for a garment application such as a invest, sooner than a bag.

mts ipad2 Gordon Mah Ung

No of the bullets penetrated the MTS pocketbook to damage this iPad like a shot, but the DOE from their impact on the Kevlar shield was still annihilative.

Not much aegis for your gear

While the bag is surely capable of withstanding bullets, it's really not much of a laptop bag. There's minimal shock protection and not even such room—you could squeeze in an Ultrabook with a charger and the customary road-warrior accessories, only the pocket North Korean won't fit out a 17-inch gaming laptop. It's also a troubling grip to begin with, at eight pounds empty. Throw in your ii-pound laptop and its charger, and you're talking more than 10 pounds on your shoulder.

This isn't a handbag you pick upfield on a whim—particularly non for $900. Information technology's a udder you buy because it mimics the looks of a laptop bag. The Velcro-seamed pouch is actually supposed to carry a small-arm. It's intended for constabulary and security professionals who power need a three-foot flight shield in a pinch, operating theatre to supplement their sane body armor. In this see, it delivers, and how.


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